Join our Word Up workshops & find your guiding word for 2025!

The Artist's Way is turning 30!
And we have a gift for you.

artist's way 30

When Julia Cameron first wrote The Artist’s Way back in 1992, she couldn’t have guessed that her self-published book would eventually sell more than four million copies and become the bible of creative reclamation. Yet here we are in 2022—celebrating the 30th anniversary of this impactful work! 


Whether you’re an Artist’s Way devotee, multi-passionate creative, or simply someone who yearns to tap into their more colorful side, join us for an ongoing celebration of this 30-year milestone. Throughout 2022, we’ll be offering free creative playdates and workshops—from journaling to painting to tarot to laughter yoga…and much more! See the full lineup and sign up here.


We’re also launching a 30-episode podcast to highlight others’ journeys through The Artist’s Way—launching in mid-June 2022. Stay tuned (and drop us a line if you’d like to be featured)!

Free! Rise & Shine Morning Journaling Sessions

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Trying to cultivate a morning journaling practice, or get into the groove with your existing one? Join the Creative Groove Community for free Zoom journaling sessions every Tuesday morning at 7:15 a.m. EST. After a brief hello, we turn on an instrumental playlist (which you are welcome to mute if you prefer to journal in silence) and get our pens in motion.


It’s a great way to start the morning and nurture your creativity in the company of like-minded folks, and we’d love for you to join us! (P.S. We don’t currently offer a West Coast-centric day/time, but have been thinking about adding one. Drop us a line if you’re interested and we can keep you in the loop!)

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We live at the intersection of creativity, color, and connection! Get in the mix with our classes and workshops on writing, creativity, freelance success, and the Artist’s Way.


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Pave the way for a powerful morning journaling practice with 40 free manifestation prompts geared at designing the life you desire.



Freelancing should never be free.

Plug into high-paying opportunities with our free roundup of 20 publications that pay at least $1/word!